sâmbătă, 29 august 2009

DJ Project, Departe de noi, Lejos de nosotros...

Am luat tot ce aveam (I've taken with me everything i had)
Durere si lacrimi (the pain and the tears)
Vârsate-n doi (we cried together)
Cum sa te tin? (How can I hold you?)
M-am dus sa le ingrop departe de noi ... (I went away to burry them far from us...)
Ma doare de mor (It hurts to death)
Doar timpul mai poate face ceva (Only time could do something)
Si nu cred sa pot (And I don't think I can)
Sa spun "te iubesc" , altcuiva (say I love you to someone else)
Esti inca aici (You're still here)
Te caut in pat atunci când dorm (I search the bed for you when I'm sleeping)
Te simt cum m-atingi (I feel you touching me)
Te aud ca prin vis (I hear you in my dreams)
Cum spui somn usor (telling me "sleep well")
Nu vreau sa te sun (I don't want to call you)
Mi-e frica sa-mi spui (I'm afraid you're gonna tell me)
Ca s-a terminat (that it's over)
Iar sufletul , te roaga mereu (And my soul is always asking you)
Sa nu-l fi uitat (not to forget it)
Cine va spune zi de zi (Who's gonna tell me every day)
Ca ne-a fost scris (that it was written)
Ca impreuna vom fi (for us to be together)
Cine va fi lânga tine-n zori (Who's gonna be by your side in the morning)
Daca ai sa uiti cum e sa m-adori (If you forget how is it like to love me)
Am luat tot ce aveam (refren)
Fara tine ma sting... (I'm losing my brightness without you...)
Ma hranesc doar (I feed myself)
Cu nopti din trecut (only with nights from our past)
Stelele plâng in urma ta (The stars are crying behind you...)
Cum as putea sa uit ? (How could I forget you?)
Cerul e trist (The sky is sad)
Toate vorbesc numai de noi (Everything is talking about us)
Iar mie mi-e dor (And I miss)
De aceiasi ochi (Those same)
Atât , atât de goï... (empty, empty eyes...)


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